Fixed network options

You can subscribe to any options at any time in the My Swisscom Customer Center. 

For telephony

International Fixed Network option 500 A

Calls to the fixed networks of all countries in the EU/UK, USA and Canada.

Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy (incl. Vatican), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA

  • Up to 500 min/mth free
  • From 500 min/mth 0.12/min to the fixed network

Price per month


You can choose this option when you place your order or subscribe to it later on My Swisscom.

International option 500 A

Calls to the fixed and mobile networks of all countries in the EU/UK, USA and Canada.

Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy (incl. Vatican), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA

  • Up to 500 min/mth free
  • From 500 min/mth 0.12/min to the fixed network
  • From 500 min/mth 0.42/min to the mobile network

Price per month


You can choose this option when you place your order or subscribe to it later on My Swisscom.

International option 100 A

Calls to the fixed and mobile networks of all countries in the EU/UK, USA and Canada. 
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy (incl. Vatican), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA
  • Up to 100 min/mth free
  • From 100 min/mth 0.12/min to the fixed network
  • From 100 min/mth 0.42/min to the mobile network

Price per month


You can choose this option when you place your order or subscribe to it later on My Swisscom.

International option 100 B

Calls to the fixed and mobile networks of all tariff zone B countries.

Australia, Israel, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan:

  • Up to 100 min/mth free
  • From 100 min/mth 0.25/min to the fixed network
  • From 100 min/mth 0.55/min to the mobile network

Argentina, Bahamas, Brazil, Chile, China, Columbia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Peru, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, Venezuela:

  • Up to 100 min/mth free
  • From 100 min/mth 0.50/min to the fixed network
  • From 100 min/mth 0.80/min to the mobile network

India, Lebanon, Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam:

  • Up to 100 min/mth free
  • From 100 min/mth 1.00/min to the fixed network
  • From 100 min/mth 1.30/min to the mobile network

Iran, Macau, Martinique, Mongolia, Namibia, Panama, Puerto Rico:

  • Up to 100 min/mth free
  • From 100 min/mth 1.50/min to the fixed network
  • From 100 min/mth 1.80/min to the mobile network

Price per month


You can choose this option when you place your order or subscribe to it later on My Swisscom.

International option 100 C

Calls to the fixed and mobile networks of all tariff zone C countries.

Albania, Algeria, Belarus, Bosnia Herzegovina, Ecuador, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Northern Macedonia, Palestine, Serbia, Tunisia:

  • Up to 100 min/mth free
  • From 100 min/mth 0.50/min to the fixed network
  • From 100 min/mth 0.80/min to the mobile network

Bolivia, Ghana, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Mauritius, Tanzania, Uruguay, Zimbabwe:

  • Up to 100 min/mth free
  • From 100 min/mth 1.00/min to the fixed network
  • From 100 min/mth 1.00/min to the mobile network

Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bermuda, Brunei, Cambodia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Georgia, Honduras, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, La Réunion, Laos, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Oman, Qatar, Senegal, Trinidad and Tobago, Uzbekistan:

  • Up to 100 min/mth free
  • From 100 min/mth 1.50/min to the fixed network
  • From 100 min/mth 1.80/min to the mobile network

Price per month


You can choose this option when you place your order or subscribe to it later on My Swisscom.

Option Mobile Flat

Free calls to the Swiss mobile network (incl. Swisscom Mobile Lichtenstein)
  • Unlimited calls to the Swisscom mobile network
  • Unlimited calls to other providers’ mobile networks

Price per month


The option is only available for the Swisscom Line Basic subscription. You can choose this option when you place your order or subscribe to it later on My Swisscom.

Second phone number option

Additional phone number for your fixed line so that you can make multiple calls at the same time.
  • COMBOX® pro for all telephone numbers
  • Additional options (e.g. tariff options) apply to all telephone numbers
  • Telephone directory listing and 1 free telephone directory
  • “Second phone number” option is available with blue Telephony, Swisscom Line basic, inOne home and inOne home light.

Price per month


You can choose this option when you place your order or subscribe to it later on My Swisscom.

Domestic / international tariffs

In combination with blue Telephony or inOne Telephony L and M It is billed in 10-centime increments. Swisscom does not charge a connection setup fee. Standard tariff  Monday to Friday 7 am – 7 pm Off-peak tariff  Monday to Friday 7 pm – 7 am, Saturday/Sunday and public holidaysPublic holidays are 1 and 2 January, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, 1 August as well as 25 and 26 December
To the Swiss fixed network
To the Swisscom mobile networkAlso applies to M-Budget Mobile Included
To the mobile networks of other providers
To 058 Corporate Access
SMS in the fixed network160 characters cost CHF 0.15. Each message may contain up to a maximum of 612 characters.
Customers with CPS (Carrier Preselection) with other telecom service providers (Sunrise, Orange, among others) also pay the connection fees to their respective provider
0.15/SMS 0.15/SMS
In combination with blue Telephony, inOne Telephony S or Swisscom Line basic It is billed in 10-centime increments. Swisscom does not charge a connection setup fee. Standard tariff Monday to Friday 7am – 7 pm Off-peak tariff Monday to Friday 7 pm – 7 am, Saturday/Sunday and public holidaysPublic holidays are 1 and 2 January, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, 1 August as well as 25 and 26 December
To the Swiss fixed network
0.08/min. 0.04/min.
To the Swisscom mobile networkAlso applies to M-Budget Mobile 0.32/min.
To the mobile networks of other providers
To 058 Corporate Access

SMS in the fixed network160 characters cost CHF 0.15. Each message may contain up to a maximum of 612 characters.
Customers with CPS (Carrier Preselection) with other telecom service providers (Sunrise, Orange, among others) also pay the connection fees to their respective provider
0.15/SMS 0.15/SMS
To business numbers
0800 free
0840 / 0842 / 0844 / 0848 max. CHF 0.081/min.
0900 / 0901 / 0906 separate price information provided by the service provider

To short numbers

In combination with blue Telephony or inOne Telephony LCalls to business, short-dial and special numbers are chargeable.The standard tariff for the country applies after 30 min./month.  
Calls to the fixed network for country group 1/tariff zone AAndorra, Belgien, Bulgarien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Estland, Färöer Inseln, Finnland, Frankreich, Gibraltar, Griechenland, Grossbritannien, Irland, Island, Italien (inkl. Vatikan),  Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, Monaco, Niederlande, Norwegen, Österreich, Polen, Portugal, Rumänien, San Marino, Schweden, Slowakische Rep., Slowenien, Spanien, Tschechische Rep., Ungarn, Zypern, USA (inkl. Alaska und Hawaii, ohne Territorien/Aussengebiete der USA), Kanada. Ohne Überseegebiete (z.B. frz. Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, La Réunion, etc.) Unlimited phone calls (24/7)
In combination with blue Telephony, inOne Telephony M and S,
Swisscom Casa or Swisscom Line basic A surcharge of CHF 0.30/min is levied on calls to special numbers (e.g. premium numbers, shared-charge services, business numbers, etc.). It is billed in CHF 0.10 blocks
To the fixed network To the mobile network
Country Group 1Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Great Britain, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy (Vatican included), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, USA (incl. Alaska and Hawaii, not including territories/external territories), Vatican City. Without overseas territories (e.g. French Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion etc.)
0.12/min. 0.42/min.
Country Group 2Australia, Israel, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, Ukraine
Country Group 3Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Bahamas, Belarus (White Russia), Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, China, Columbia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Kosovo, Libya, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Peru, Philippines, Russian Federation, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Venezuela
Country Group 4Benin, Bolivia, Cameroon, Cape Verde Islands, Congo (Republic of the Congo), Congo (Democratic Republic), Cuba, Ghana, East Timor, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mauritius, Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tanzania, Togo, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Vietnam, Zimbabwe
1.00/min. 1.00/min.
Country Group 5  All countries not listed in in country groups 1-4, including USA external territories
1.50/SMS 1.50/SMS

Satellite connection

National STD codes

More and more countries are abolishing the national STD codes and integrating them into the phone number. In these cases only the country code and the phone number should be chosen. 


You want to call someone in Aachen, Germany: 

  • Country code0049
  • National STD code without the initial 0241
  • Telephone number515 15 15
  • Phone number for a call to Aachen0049 241 515 15 15

Evening and Weekend Call International

For some countriesGermany, France, Italy (including Vatican City), Austria, Liechtenstein, Great Britain, Canada, USA, Australia, Denmark, Finland, Israel, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden.   particularly low tariffs apply in the evening and at weekends. The following applies for calls to corresponding fixed networks from Monday to Friday from 7 pm to midnight 
and at weekends:

The first call minutes will be billed at the normal price up to the maximum amount of three francs. After that you can continue your call for the rest of the hour for free. At the end of this hour the normal charge per minute will apply.

Swisscom bills in blocks of CHF 0.10. Please note that your call charge meter displays the normal price and the price of this offer is only taken into account on the bill.

A telephone number as individual as you. Top Numbers have been divided into various classes

Class Description Examples One-off charge per phone number
E Any unallocated number
available that does not belong
to class C or D.
031 971 20 30
031 456 78 91
044 629 11 72
(Date of birth)
CHF 100.-
D 3 x 2 identical digits
2 identical 2-digit blocks
3 zeros at the end
041 811 77 33
061 772 56 56
071 837 38 39
044 845 30 00
CHF 200.-
C 3 identical 2-digit blocks
2 identical 3-digit blocks
2 x 3 identical digits
3 indentical row of ten
2 blocks of 100
2 x 3 identical digits
3 blocks with the same digits each
021 762 62 62
031 7 244 244
0 333 451 777
0 316 816 516
052 4 500 600
0 369 370 371
044 333 22 55
CHF 800.-

Price from


Top Numbers can be ordered by calling the freephone number 0800 800 800

COMBOX® will take the calls you cannot answer yourself.

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