Broadcasting transmitter sites – available throughout Switzerland

Swisscom Broadcast operates Switzerland's only nationwide broadcasting network. We can provide the right Infrastructure for you.

Interactive site map

The interactive site map shows you where the Swisscom Broadcast transmitter sites are located. You can also see where you require accompanied admittance or where access for authorised persons is possible autonomously via TRACcess.

Transmitter sites that are not listed on the map do not fall within the responsibility of Swisscom Broadcast.

        Compliance with the Swisscom specification documents on physical security is mandatory at Swisscom Broadcast transmitter sites. 
Go to the electrical safety concept and other specification documents

Accompanied admittance

Due to their classification, some Swisscom Broadcast transmitter sites require accompanied admittance (costs apply). If your specialists require accompanied access to our transmitter facilities and sites, please complete the application form below. Our Operation Control Centre will review your request and get back to you as soon as possible.

Autonomous access via TRACcess

With TRACcess, authorised persons receive the rights for autonomous access to Swisscom Broadcast transmission sites. Most of Swisscom Broadcast's broadcasting sites can be accessed via TRACcess.